Clients Always Have the Last Word

“As a writer, editor, creative director, and translator/adaptor, my goal is to make sure that clients get their words’ worth – because their words are really worth it.” – Lawrence Creaghan

Excellent! Thank you. Ca c’est “concept.” I like it. This letter is great! I do not have any modifications or comments with regards to the text. Très heureuse de retravailler avec toi. Thank you for your great work and enjoy the day. This is perfect, thank you! Thank you Lawrence. I will make the change accordingly. Good to work with you again! Excellent, thank you Lawrence. C’est toujours très intéressant et pertinent de vous lire. Tout ça n’eut été possible sans votre engagement, votre professionnalisme et votre intelligence. It was a real pleasure working with you over all these years! I am so grateful that you accepted to be part of this challenging endeavour. Je tenais à vous signifier à quel point j’ai apprécié collaborer avec vous dans le cadre de mes fonctions et à vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre appui à différents moments de mon parcours. I’m very proud of what we achieved and delivered in such a short time period. Merci Lawrence, c’est parfait. Given your exceptional skills as an editor and writer, I am interested in collaborating with you on this project. J’espère sincèrement que nous aurons le plaisir de garder contact dans le futur. Thank you very much Lawrence, it was a real privilege to work with such a rigorous and professional translator. Great job with the English version. Tout est parfait pour moi Lawrence. Merci infiniment Lawrence! Bonjour Lawrence, d’abord merci pour le travail c’est impeccable. Grrrrrreat…merci! Merci encore pour ton travail rapide et de qualité, c’est très précieux. Super efficace! Merci pour le travail efficace et de qualité. Awesome list of suggestions…Thanks for all your help. All good for me! Many thanks. Great job! Merci pour la traduction. C’est parfait. Your translation is remarkable. Thanks so much for the quick turnaround. It was an absolute pleasure reading your work. Wow, so fast! Thank you! Les derniers textes traduits pour le Web étaient parfaits. Merci beaucoup! Thank you very, very much for having done this in a short delay. Thank you so much Lawrence for your wonderful and fast work. Wow! All good! Merci! Perfect – thanks so much Lawrence! It’s perfect for this translation. Thank you so much! What a great answer. Said like a true pro! This is exactly what I was looking for…You are amazing! WOW…I don’t know what to say. This is really good; thank you. You are the 4IR in English adaptation. Thank you very much! It’s perfect. I appreciate++ your collaboration! Thank you for your quick reply and professional work. Thank you for your attention. It’s over the top. Merci Lawrence. C’est parfait. Hi Lawrence! Thank you very much for the letter. Gotta love that headline! I like it like that! Thank you!! Thanks a lot Lawrence! Thank you so much! Great – thanks so much! Awesome job! Thank you for your job, under very tight deadlines! Again, a huge thank you! Thanks a lot for the quick response! Thanks so much Lawrence! Thank you so much Lawrence. Love it! My associate and I really love the way you twisted the tone for the English version. Actually, it’s better and punchier than the French! Great job. Thanks Lawrence. Thank you for your quick and diligent work! Just perfect. Thanks again! Merci Lawrence, c’est parfait. Merci énormément! Thanks so much for the quick turnaround on both of these! Well done! Perfect. Merci. I’ve seen a sample of your work and your adaptation style is exactly what I’m looking for. I would be thrilled to have you in our team. Thank you so much for the translation. You are the best. Merci comme toujours, quelle efficacité. It’s perfect! Thank you very much. You’re really amazing. It’s perfect! Merci, bien reçu et tout beau! What a great way to start the day – I love this adaptation! A short message to thank you for your excellent services. Looking forward to working with you again! Merci d’avoir été à nos côtés Lawrence encore cette dernière année… Love it! Thank you, Sir, you did a stellar job! Merci Lawrence. You are always there for us! Merci beaucoup pour la rapidité! Thank you very much, the deadlines were short! Everything is perfect. Merci pour votre précieuse aide! Un immense merci Lawrence! Bien reçu! J’adore le titre. Thank you so much...Tu as fait un super travail. Fantastic. Merci beaucoup. Un énorme merci! Merci infiniment Lawrence pour votre bon travail rapide et efficace. Merci tellement! Great – thank you so much! Merci pour le travail rapide! This translation to English is excellent. Props to this translator. Merci beaucoup! C’est parfait. The translation is just perfect! Thank you so much! Excellent, as usual! Un énorme merci! :) Perfect monsieur. Send me the bill! Amazing, merci beaucoup! Votre rapidité est très appréciée. Merci Lawrence pour ta rapidité et efficacité! Ce fut un plaisir pour moi de travailler avec vous. I have received everything. Once again, I am really satisfied. You’re like a TGV! Thank you very much. Merci beaucoup et sincèrement pour la qualité et la rapidité de tes traductions...Tu nous as beaucoup aidé à livrer un congrès professionnel! Thank you very much Lawrence. This is really great. Merci encore pour ta disponibilité. Once again, you did an amazing translation! Merci beaucoup d’avoir été mon complice dans cette aventure! I wish I could write English like you. Merveilleux. Merci Lawrence! Thanks Lawrence. That is an excellent idea! Thank you for your outstanding work throughout the year! Thank you for being my English brain. What a great job! Thank you so much. Wow! Thank you very much. Merci de excellente collaboration sur tous nos projets de traduction. Thank you so much, Lawrence. You made my day. C’est avec joie et confiance que j’ai référé votre nom à mes collègues. Votre travail exemplaire est très apprécié. Thank you for the quick turnaround on this. Nous sommes heureux du résultat. Aucune correction à faire. Merci pour votre diligence. Super good English adaptation, Lawrence. Love it! Merci Lawrence. C’est excellent. Merci Lawrence. J’ai relu est c’est parfait. Merci de votre fabuleuse efficacité! Very good suggestion. Will get my media team on it. Merci! Bien reçu! Et merci beaucoup pour tout le travail, excellent comme toujours! Thank you very much for your help. You are part of our success and keep our English members happy! That’s just great! Thank you very much…it’s very good. Thanks again for the fast turnover. The press release was great! Thank you Mr. Creaghan, for the quality of your work as well as your efficiency. Thank you Lawrence for the good work! You are a real Superman! Thank you Lawrence! It’s perfect!!! Wow, fast service! Ce fut un immense plaisir de travailler avec vous: vous avez été un collaborateur précieux et un allié avec votre redoutable efficacité à mes demandes parfois disons…un peu dernière minute ;-) Wow, that’s very fast! Thank you Lawrence, we really appreciate it. Lawrence, you are the best! Thank you so, so much. I read it and it’s perfect! Perfect! Thanks. That’s why I need you ;-) You are a precious collaborator. Merci beaucoup pour la rapidité de votre travail. You work is very much appreciated and reading you is a pleasure. I must admit that your translations sound even better then my original French text. Thanks for your incredible reliability. Thanks a lot, Lawrence. You are the best. Thank you for the quick turnaround time. I appreciate it. Je veux te remercier pour le travail accompli et l’occasion donnée de parfaire mes connaissances de la langue anglaise. Très satisfaite du travail accompli! Everything is perfect. D’ailleurs, j’en profite pour te remercier pour tes services de grande qualité. C’est toujours un plaisir! Lawrence, you are a miracle worker! Merci beaucoup Lawrence, quelle efficacité! It’s always a great pleasure to count on you. Thank you for your constant availability and promptness for your good translations delivered often with a word of humour. Merci beaucoup! Je regarde cela! À+ Thanks so much for your promptness! Improvements read with admiration, as always. Perfect as always! Tu nous aides depuis des années à accomplir notre mission et de bien servir nos membres par des communications anglaises claires! Et surtout tellement agréable de travailler avec toi! Fiable et professionnel! Nos associés ont approuvé votre version et m’ont informée qu’ils étaient très satisfaits. It’s always a great pleasure to count on you. Thank you for your constant availability and promptness for your good translations delivered often with a word of humour. Thank you so much, Lawrence! It’s perfect. Thank you Lawrence. I always can count on you. Merci pour l’excellence service. Thank you for the translation. It was perfect. Once again, thank you for your great work and your availability. Got it! Perfect job! It’s in the printer! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Tu as des yeux de lynx! Un grand merci d’avoir fait si vite! C’est apprécié! C’est parfait. Thank you so much! I appreciate your rapidity! A great translation indeed. Merci beaucoup pour votre rapidité avec mes trois documents. Thank you. It’s much better that way. Gros merci, Lawrence. Exactement ce qu’il me faut à ce moment. As always, I count on your advice and discretion. Je te suis vraiment reconnaissante pour ta rapidité! Un immense merci!!!! Votre collaboration est toujours appréciée. I would like to thank you for this quick translation. I was so proud when I read it and I’ll be pleased to share it with my Canadian and American counterparts. Thank you again for the great work. Always a pleasure to work with you. Thank you so much!! Great work! Voici la réponse de Mme G. Je conclus que ta traduction rencontre pleinement ses attentes. You are really very clever. Thank you very much for your great work and efficiency. Wow! La version anglaise est meilleure que l’originale ;-) Je vous remercie beaucoup pour ces traductions. Elles sont claires et limpides!!! Wow! Thanks for being able to follow my “broad directions” and make sense out of it. #savior. Thanks by the way! It was perfect. You are the best and the fastest. Once again, great work. I love working with you. I truly appreciate having someone who understands what I am trying to express and delivers the best out of the messaging. So, again, thank you for your legendary flexibility and professionalism. Once again, thank you very much for the great work. Wow, that was fast! Thanks. Thank you for your diligence and the great translation. Wow! You rock! Wow! This is great stuff! Tout est beau, on a enregistré la voix aujourd’hui et tout le monde est content. I love you. M. Creaghan, à qui j’ai demandé de faire un travail urgent cet été pour la traduction de mon livre, a honoré ses engagements de façon exemplaire et grâce à son travail, mon livre fait rayonner notre université à travers le monde. Thank you Lawrence for the quick turn around. Merci d’avoir été aussi bon, aussi efficace et rapide et agréable! Je vous remercie pour le bon travail et votre rapidité d’exécution. You are the best! Merci Lawrence, c’est très apprécié! Thank you Lawrence. Again, exactly what I needed. Thanks. Great title! Thanks for the speedy delivery! You’ve come up with some great suggestions to make the text easier to read. Good Stuff! Fabulous! Thank you so much! La job du traducteur était A1! Merci! C’est tout simplement parfait. Thank you very much for this work. This is perfect. Thanks Lawrence! You’re magic!! I love it! Merci pour votre disponibilité et efficacité! This is amazing. You’re a genius! Merci beaucoup Lawrence. Nous n’avons rien changé du tout. Toujours un plaisir de collaborer avec vous. Thank you for this great job. Well done! It is a pleasure working with you. I just want to say a big thank you for all of your great work this year. I appreciate it so much. You make my job look easy. You are a joy to work with. Thanks again for your quick turnaround! Vous avez tous les talents. Thank you very much Lawrence. You are the best! Thank you very much. This is very good. Fantastic...thank you! Even after all this time, I can’t get over how quickly you can take something I write that sounds good and make it sound phenomenal. You truly are The Write Stuff! Great job Lawrence! Did I ever tell you how much I love you? Man, you always impress me! You’re the best! Thank you for the quick turnaround! With you, the English version is ALWAYS better. Great job! Thanks! Super, merci vraiment beaucoup!! Excellent! Merci beaucoup Lawrence. Thank you once again for your efficiency, Lawrence! Thank you very much for your prompt reply. The letter is great. Merci, Lawrence. Service extraordinaire, as usual. J’apprécie vraiment beaucoup. Pleasure doing business with you. Gros merci. Thank you very much. It is perfect, as usual. You are the best! A million thanks!!! People love working with you here and they appreciate your availability and professionalism. Je veux vous dire merci Lawrence pour votre précieux appui pendant toutes ces années. You’re the best! Thanks a lot. Thank you Lawrence, it looks great! Un petit mot pour te remercier pour ta collaboration dans ce projet. J’ai été très contente du travail et des délais de livraison. Thank you very much! That was perfect! Merci Lawrence, c’était super bon! Thank you so much! It is perfect! It looks great, thank you very much. Merci pour la rapidité de traduction et le ton que tu as donné au texte! C’est génial!! You’re the man. Thanks! Improvements noted with admiration. C’est toujours un plaisir de collaborer avec vous et de profiter de vos grands talents. Thank you for your outstanding cooperation. Thank you for your efficiency. Always a pleasure doing business with you. You’re the best Lawrence. Thanks! Thanks for everything. Especially a delivery on a Sunday! Really appreciate it! Wow. Mille mercis! Merci beaucoup. J’ai tout relu. C’est PARFAIT. Thank you Lawrence for the ad. It was exactly what we were looking for. Wow! Quelle rapidité! Merci!! Thank you so much. You are a life saver. Tu es vraiment un partenaire de travail fiable, dévoué et la qualité de ton travail est toujours impeccable. Je suis toujours épatée de la vitesse à laquelle tu traduis!! Merci d’être avec nous depuis toutes ses années. Thank you for the English version of the speech. It’s better than the French!! Merci beaucoup pour votre travail rapide! Amazing job!! I can’t thank you enough!! That’s perfect! Thanks Lawrence! Thank you very much for the quick response, it was very much appreciated. Very wise, thank you. I am very happy with the result. Très bon. Je garde cette option. I can always count on you! I really appreciate it! I knew it! You are an angel. You are a gentleman. Thank you. Thank you for your work. It was just what we needed. Everything is perfect. Obiwan, you’re my only hope ;) – thanks so much! Thank you Lawrence. It’s perfect. Wow! So much better!! I wish to thank you for the great work you have done for us again this year. As always, it’s a pleasure working with you. Merci beaucoup pour ton travail! Ca m’a beaucoup aidé. Perfect...thanks. Seulement pour vous aviser que tout était parfait pour la cliente avec la dernière version. Merci beaucoup pour votre belle collaboration! Great speech! Thank you. Sincerely thank you, Lawrence. Je vous remercie infiniment. What can I say, you’re the most reliable collaborator I’ve ever had! Many thanks Lawrence – we appreciate your great help! Very well done as usual. Thank you very much for your work. Your timeliness was very much appreciated. Thank you so much for your promptness! Superb! Many thanks. Beautiful. Thanks. Great job, by the way. I knew it, you are the best! We’ve managed to obtain a meeting with Mr. V_____ :)) Thanks for your help! Merci pour ta contribution. Merci, c’est parfait! Merci Lawrence. Cette lettre est très bien. Lawrence, it’s excellent! Thanks Lawrence – you rock. It’s perfect! Thank you for working on such short notice. The result is awesome! Mille merci! Merci so much! You saved me again. Thank you your excellent work and collaboration. Je vous remercie beaucoup pour la rapidité d’éxécution. YOU ARE AMAZING!! Thank you! Thanks! You are the best. Sounds great. Thank you! You are soooooooooooooooooo efficient! Thanks a million Lawrence. Great work Lawrence. Many thanks for coming through on this! Merci c’est parfait. I am very pleased with your work and willingness to make a great impact on our success. J’ai bien reçu vos documents, je vous remercie, tout est parfait. Thanks Lawrence. Your help is greatly appreciated! I truly like your work. Votre traduction était parfaite. Un grand merci pour votre service rapide. Je sais pas ce que je ferais sans toi. You’re the best! That was quick! Thanks! Thanks Lawrence. Great job again. Wow, thanks again! Merci Lawrence – this is great. Thanks Mr. Creaghan for your promptness. It is really appreciated. Thank you very much for the translation. It is perfect. Great stuff, my friend! Thank you for the speedy translation Lawrence! Thank you very much! Super L! Merci de ton efficacité! You’re the best. My client loves it! Thanks. +++ super. Excellent! Merci pour la rapidité. WOW!!! Lawrence, how efficient can you get?! Well done, Lawrence. Thank you! Excellent and rapid! What else do I want? Lawrence, I just love working with you! Un gros merci, Lawrence, pour ta rapidité! Wow! Big thanks. Excellent! Thank you very much. Thank you. Very pleased with your translation. Thanks Lawrence, I really appreciate your good work. Thank you very much Lawrence for your rapid response. Always a pleasure. Thank you Lawrence for helping me again. Thanks for this quick answer. And thanks again for your good work! Thanks Lawrence. Perfect as usual! Warmest thanks for your great work Lawrence. You’re the best! Super merci! Thanks Lawrence. This is great! Superb! So happy to do business with you Lawrence. Merci pour ton excellent travail! Thank you!!! Good job. Toujours aussi rapide et professionnel! Quelle rapidité! Merci beaucoup, Lawrence! Perfect. Truly appreciated. Thanks so much Lawrence! It’s perfect. C’est parfait, merci beaucoup! You’re my hero! Wonderful! You are good. Improvements noted with interest and admiration, as always. Un gros merci! I want to thank you for what you’ve done for us in the last 2 weeks. Merci 1000 fois! Dear Lawrence Creaghan, Thank you very much. Many thanks Lawrence, it really reads better that way. Merci infiniment. Wow! That was quick... Awesome! Cela me semble très bon. Je vais le proposer à la cliente. It reads really well and is, as usual, better than the French original! Merci Lawrence pour votre efficacité! Great job, by the way! Excellent: thank you very much Lawrence. Wow!!! Perfect! Thank you! C’est parfait comme ça, merci beaucoup! Lord – that was quick… ;-) This looks great. Merci Monsieur Creaghan...job well done again. Thanks a lot and many thanks also for yesterday’s fast turnaround. Great! Thanks Lawrence! Merci énormément pour votre travail Lawrence! Merci beaucoup M. Creaghan...très apprécié. Many thanks for your great work! Merci pour la rapidité! This is great! Je veux tout d’abord vous féliciter pour votre excellent travail. Merci beaucoup Lawrence!!! Travail rapide et de qualité. I very much enjoy working with you. Perfect. Thank you so much. This is excellent. Many thanks! I can always count on your great help and promptness… That’s perfect! Thank you Lawrence! M. Creaghan, je vous remercie pour votre habituelle collaboration. Awesome! Thank you so much. MERCI BEAUCOUP!!!!! C’est très apprécié! You’re the best! Merci beaucoup pour ces lettres, la composition et la traduction. Elles sont vraiment excellentes! Thanks again for your great work! Thank you very much Lawrence for the fast and excellent service. I truly appreciate it. Dear Lawrence, thank you so much. Thank you Lawrence for your rapid response! Excellent. Thank you very much Mr. Creaghan. Merci pour le respect de l’échéancier, M. Creaghan, c’est très apprécié. Merci pour la rapidité de cette demande, ce fût très apprécié!! Un énorme merci!! You are the best! Merci beaucoup pour votre rapidité d’exécution! I’m very happy with your work: thank you very much! Very beautiful style, perfect translation of the message. Great job! Thank you very much Lawrence. The work is great, as usual. Thank you so much! Very efficient! Thank you! You’re the best! Wow! Merci. Thank you Lawrence, it is perfect. Great stuff indeed. I’d like to thank you for your work, which was perfect. Merci infiniment !!! Thank you so much Lawrence for your quick service!! Thank you very much for the fast service and great work. Bien reçu et excellent travail, merci de vos services. Again, what a great job!!! Thanks! It’s more than perfect!!! Thanks. Lawrence, it was a pleasure working with such a professional and dedicated translator/writer! C’est parfait, monsieur Creaghan! Merci beaucoup pour votre travail et votre diligence. I love the title and everything looks great! Many, many thanks Lawrence. Nous sommes tous d’accord pour dire que tu étais particulièrement inspiré pour ces trois traductions, nous avons adoré! Des expressions savoureuses, une très belle adaptation. Excellent c’est un OK. This is excellent. Thanks for the quick work. Thanks Lawrence. You’re the best! You are so fantastic! Improvements noted with interest (and admiration) as always. Thank you super Lawrence!!!! Perfect, thanks! You’re amazing! Thanks! Merci! Tu es le meilleur! Lawrence, many thanks for your availability and your great, great work! You are my life saver! Wow, that’s fast. I’m impressed and very pleased as it will give us more time to review and finalize formatting of all the documents. J’ai revu le tout et je suis à l’aise avec tout le contenu. Aucun changement. Great title! Thank you so much! You’re a gem! Perfect! Bravo! Nice and fast as usual! Thanks, I’m so happy now! That’s it! Merci! This is great stuff! Well done! Super Lawrence rides again! Love it!!!! I may try to translate that into French! Thanks for the super job on the presentation…they are now clients! Merci de votre collaboration et de la rapidité de vos services. Tout est parfait. Un grand merci pour votre efficacité! Wonderful! Merci encore pour avoir fait si vite. Very efficient. You are my idol! Quelle efficacité! Merci encore de ce travail “dernière minute”! Nous apprécions grandement votre disponibilité et votre bonne humeur. Thank you my angel. Very good translation! Thank you! You’re good! Very well done, by the way! Thank you again for your help – after all these years you still manage to amaze me. Thanks for everything you did for us! Wonderful! You are so reliable. Great timing! Amazing. Love it! Personnellement, votre travail me paraît excellent. Thank you very much for your speedy work, as usual. Je ne m’attendais pas à une réponse aussi rapide… Merci, c’était parfait. Thank you for the super work. You cut through the wordy words to provide a light version of everything. Great, thanks…for getting back to me so quickly! C’est excellent! Merci infiniment de votre excellent service. J’en suis très heureuse. Thank you so much for returning the documents so rapidly. A big big big thank you! Thank you very much. We got a new client! And by the way, this text was excellent! You are the best! Great teamwork! You’re the best! Excellent travail et rapide! Perfect! Magnifique! I think it’s excellent! Ha!! Right on! Wow! That was fast. Thanks. Merci beaucoup pour le service rapide! That’s really good. It is always a pleasure to do business with you. Thank you so much! I marvel at how you can take a 45-minute conversation plus a 3-page résumé and condense it into 750 words without missing anything important. Thank you. We like your work. Bon travail! Super! Merci infiniment! Thank you. It’s perfect…as usual. This is great. Many thanks again. Thank you for such a quick response. Thanks a million for all your help. Bravo! Thanks for your great help. Merci beaucoup pour votre efficacité! Lawrence, your translations are very good. Thanks. Merci beaucoup Lawrence pour cette revision! It’s perfect. Thank you! Un énorme MERCI! Thank you. You are so fast! Merci!! J’adore! Wow! Thank you so much! Thanks a’re the best. Merci infiniment Lawrence! I love you! Great result! Thank you for doing this on such short notice! Perfect and recorded! Great! Thank you very much Lawrence for rescuing me as you did with those last-minute translations! Excellent!!! Wow! You are fast! Thanks! I just want to say thanks for the good job you did for us. We had great comments and it was really appreciated. Thanks. It’s better than the original. Thank you for all the rush speeches! Thank you ever so much for your patience! Great show! Thanks for everything. You are fast and the quality of the job is excellent. Merci pour votre rapidité. We really appreciate your work on such short notice. Mon contact a été impressionné par la qualité du discours. You did a great job. Votre texte est vraiment bien rédigé. Du parfait anglais, même lu à Londres! A real pleasure to work with you. Ta traduction as été approuvé du premier coup! Bravo! You are the best... Merci cher Lawrence pour votre travail: ces textes apparaissent maintenant d’une limpidité telle que je me demande comment ils ont pu être écrits autrement! Thanks again for your great collaboration last week. That’s great. Thank you. Fidèle comme toujours... Laisse-moi d’abord te féliciter pour la qualité de ton travail. Je suis impressionnée. Thank you. Efficient as usual. Thank you very much Lawrence. I appreciate the quick turnaround and the good work. Outstanding service! Le client a beaucoup apprécié le texte que tu as traduit. Lawrence, tu es génial. Dis-moi, comment fais-tu pour traduire aussi rapidement? Viens-tu d’une autre planète? Great, thanks so much, Lawrence. Your speedy service is MUCH appreciated! Bravo pour votre efficacité et merci encore! Thank you so much...I’m impressed! Thank you once again for your excellent work. Je vous remercie beaucoup de votre travail vraiment professionnel. Remerciez de ma part vos collaborateurs, car vous faites une équipe vraiment très efficace. Thank you! Very nice! Thank you very much, Lawrence. This is a world record! Thanks for the hard work. Your texts were excellent! Thanks a lot. The letter is perfect and has been approved as is by our client. Very well written. I like it. Thank you very much! Thank you very much, Lawrence! Well done! Thanks. As usual, I love it! Merci de ton efficacité légendaire. Thanks a lot for the quick turnaround. You’re the best! This concept is a Wow to me. Oui, tout est parfait. Your work is admirable. Everything is always completed. Bingo! Thanks so much. Wow! Thank you so much! Thanks for your excellent work, as always! Félicitations Lawrence!! Merci pour la récente traduction de mon allocution. C’était vraiment très bon. You’ve been amazing. You’re GREAT!!! Thanks! You are the best! I would be in deep trouble without you. Thank you very much. À première vue, tout semble parfait!!! Amazing! Reviewed the letter this morning and looks great! You’re early! Thank you! Many thanks, Lawrence. You’re the best as always! The translation is excellent. It’s already gone to Ottawa. Simply marvelous. D’abord, merci pour vos services rapides encore ce matin. C’est très apprecié. By the way, he loved your speech! This sounds great! Thank you very much Lawrence for all the excellent work of the past few weeks. I need a good writer and there’s nobody else like you. Merci beaucoup Lawrence. C’est très apprécié! Thank you very much for your help. Great work, thanks Lawrence! Perfect Lawrence...many thanks. Sincerely...thank you! Thank you so much for delivering the document so fast! I really love this! Thank you very much, Lawrence, for the quick turnaround. Thank you so much for your work...the document is excellent! Lawrence, you saved my life. Thank you again! The client loved it! Perfect! YES!!!!!! The document is splendid. What can I say? just made my day. It works just fine. Thanks! Mille mercis! Woohoo! Thanks for your great help, Lawrence. Right on time! You are great! Thank you very much, Lawrence! You are soooo unpredictable...and predictable at the same time! You are so sweet. Thank you sooo much for sending it today...this is great! Thank you, it’s perfect! I loooooooooooove it!!!! Your seminar doc is good...No, it’s good!!! The English is better than my French. Thank you very much, Lawrence! You rock!!! Thank you for your outstanding work throughout the year! Cette réussite prouve de nouveau l’importance des liens que nous avons tissés avec vous au fil des années. Encore une fois, merci et bravo! You are the absolute fastest and most amazing editor I have ever seen in over 30 years in this business. Thank you. It’s perfect! You’re REALLY, REALLY good. C’est meilleur que ma lettre en français! WoW! Merci pour la vitesse! Thank you for your skillful work. It is highly appreciated. The homepage is great! I’ve received nothing but positive comments from my English colleagues across Canada and that means a lot! Merci beaucoup pour ton efficacité comme à chaque fois. Vos textes sont vachement bons! Amazing! You write so well! Thank you so much. You saved my life! Right on the money. Toujours un plaisir de travailler avec vous! La dernière rencontre s’est tellement bien passée que les gens aimeraient que vous participiez à une autre séance de brainstorm. Merci beaucoup! C’est bien meilleur dans votre version anglaise! Super, as always. Merci beaucoup Lawrence. Vous offrez toujours un service impeccable. Their VP loved what you did with Mr. B’s speech. You are the best! Je tiens à vous remercier d’avoir répondu à nos besoins dans des délais aussi serrés. Votre contribution nous a été essentielle. Super…you excel in many spheres. The profile was excellent. Lawrence, you absolutely nailed it! Thanks for the good…quick work. C’est vraiment de l’excellent travail. Un gros merci. Pour te dire merci ma cliente était très satisfaite. Amazing! Thank you for your help. It is very reassuring to work with you. Thank you, Lawrence. Excellent and very timely work, as always. Merci pour votre excellent travail, toujours très apprecié. Perfect. Like always. Lawrence, I really have to thank you for a job well done. Everything was approved (with minor changes, as usual) and I’m a happy camper. Thank you! You’re the best! It’s perfect. Thank you very much. It is a pleasure to work with you! The copy is already up on the website! Encore une fois, ils sont TRÈS satisfaits du travail rendu...Merci! Merci, Lawrence, de votre rapidité. En plus, votre traduction est parfaite. Merci beaucoup Lawrence…tu es mon héro! Thank you very much. Vous êtes génial! Voici les coordonnées du traducteur externe à la Banque. J’ai fait souvent affaire avec lui et j’ai toujours été très satisfaite. Thanks again for your great work. Great Job! En passant, très bon travail! You are great! Thank you very much Lawrence. merci beaucoup pour l’excellent travail. You’re my saviour (again). A great translation. Merci Lawrence! Tu es mon meilleur traducteur, j’adore tes phrases si bien tournées! Great work Lawrence. Many thanks. Merci infiniment pour l’excellente traduction. C’est super! Merci. Impeccable! Thanks for sending these...they look great! Great Job! Thank you! We are all so, so happy! As DeNiro said to his shrink (Billy Crystal) in Analyze This: Youououou...You’re good, you. You gotta gift. God blessya! You are the best! La traduction de communiqué, comme la rédaction d’un communiqué, est un art en soi... You’re great. Thank you very much for your help. You are GREEEEEEEAT! Merci Lawrence pour ton habituelle, on pourrait dire légendaire, vélocité! I abso-bloody-lutely love what you’ve done with this text. Definitely much better than the original. I realize now that I should not have trusted the previous work, even if it had already been an approved and published document. Thanks for your help. It is highly appreciated! Thank you for your work on the speech…delivered it today and it went very well. Merci pour votre rapidité. Excellent job! Everyone is pleased with the scripts so far. Thanks so much, this is great. J’aime beaucoup votre traduction. Merci pour la rapidité d’exécution. You’re the best! You have done a great job, Lawrence. That’s absolutely brilliant. I love it. Thanks. You write very well indeed. I, for one, love to narrate your scripts; they just flow. Thank you very, very, very, much Lawrence for all your work. Merci, thank you Lawrence. I know I can count on you all the time and this is really appreciated. You’re the best. Many thanks. Great copy. Merci! My boss has been very impressed by your work and, especially, the speed at which you delivered it. Thanks! I’m always impressed by your speed and quality. Thanks Lawrence, I love it, you’re the best... Very good job...I appreciate it. Mille mercis. Wow, that is efficiency! I want to thank you for the super job…especially the speedy delivery. Thank you Lawrence, Well done! Super! Great job! Thanks. Perfect!!!!! Thank you very much Lawrence and have a great day! Lovely work. Thank you! Thank you! You are the best. You, Sir, are FANTASTIC. Thanks…so, so, so much. Great job! The clips came out very good...everyone is happy. Merci pour votre aide préciseuse et votre travail rapide. Notre client apprécie. Thanks for the great service. Votre souplesse et la rapidité de vos services ont été très appréciées. Thank you so much for sending it today...this is great! LOVE the title! You’re magnifique!! WOW! Thank you, I’m impressed. Gee, you’re quick. I like that. Thanks! Thank you. It’s perfect! You did a great job. Show them no mercy, in the name of making it simple and making it clear. Thank you, Lawrence. There are some great ideas in there! Super!!!!! Thanks a lot! Merci de votre collaboration, c’est grandement apprécié. Didn’t have the chance to write to let you know, but, yes, I got it. Again, superb work...Thanks! Thank you so much for the translation of the letters I forwarded you. You did a very good job as usual! Thanks for your usual diligence and quality! You’re the best. You’re the only person since Mrs. H., my redoubtable Grade 11 journalism teacher, from whom I’ve ever really learned anything about writing. As always, your translation for my reminder letter was great. Merci de votre efficacité et de votre rapidité, M. Creaghan! Your dedication to perfectly turned-out work is inspiring! Yesterday I had the pleasure of proofing a corporate brochure for a design firm...superbly written in English and zero corrections to report. Asked the client who had done the English adaptation, and it was Lawrence C. Would that it were always this easy! Merci beaucoup pour votre rapidité et pour votre efficacité. Votre collaboration est très appréciée et nous a permis de terminer notre présentation dans les délais requis. Wow, Lawrence, tu m’impressionneras toujours! Thank you so much Lawrence. Beautiful work. Many thanks for the good service. You’re the best…Your creative writing was very inspiring… Wow. That typo has been there for five years, and you’re the only one who’s ever noticed it. Perfect as always! Wow! What a guy! Great work. Thanks Lawrence. Merci Lawrence. Vous avez fait du beau travail pour la révision du guide. Merci de votre diligence! C’est très apprécié! You saved my life! It’s perfect! Thank you very much Lawrence. It is perfect. Merci, t’es génial! Thank you. I really appreciate your work. Thanks a million! Your brilliant piece, Sir!! I love it! Merci! What? Déjà! Fantastic!!! Merci, c’est super! Les textes étaient magnifiquement traduits et ce malgré les courts délais!! You are marvellous! Milles mercis! Thank you so much for the speedy service! We really, really appreciate it! Encore mille mercis pour votre travail vraiment de qualité. Nous avons relu votre traduction qui est excellente! Notre doyen est très satisfait. They loved your text! Thank you very much for the quick turnaround and the excellent translation. I like what I see and I like what I hear. To my extreme pleasure she seemed very satisfied by what you’ve done for her so far. Superb! Thank you! You are the best! Je peux toujours compter sur toi. J’apprécie! Thanks again, we really appreciate your work. Merci Lawrence! Surtout pour l’efficacité!

Lawrence Creaghan


Make sure you get your words’ worth. • 2 Place Ontario Montreal QC H3G 1E9 • (514) 775-8283 •