Why adaptation beats translation every time

You’d think that translation apps like DeepL would make it easier than ever for producing effective English versions of French material. But the problem is translation itself. You need adaptation to take full advantage of everything in the English language toolkit for really getting the job done properly. Read more...

What clients say

All work is done on a project basis. All projects are confidential. Clients always have the last word. Read more...

The 36 Heartstrings of Quebecers

A newly adapted English version of Jacques Bouchard’s classic book to better understand French-speaking Quebecers and what makes a “distinct society” like Quebec tick. Read more...

Easy Guide to Canadian Spelling

Canadian English spellings for some of the more commonly used words that are spelled differently in either American English or British English. Read more...

Lawrence Creaghan


Make sure you get your words’ worth.

creaghan@outlook.com • 2 Place Ontario Montreal QC H3G 1E9 • (514) 775-8283 • creaghan.ca

Something to Think About

Researchers find, unsurprisingly, that those who automate mental tasks tend to turn passive and their engagement withers. Passing around prefabricated blocks of text is efficient, to be sure, but it also makes a mockery of the word communication … Real communication (which is to say, real connection) requires labour; it requires us to think, to search inside of ourselves, to reveal. The author Nicholas Carr warns that labour-saving devices don’t simply provide a shortcut for our jobs. They “alter the character of the entire task, including the roles, attitudes, and skills of the people who take part in it.” – Michael Harris, The Globe and Mail, November 22, 2024

“What you say is important; how you say it is more important still.” – Cicero